Monday, March 31, 2014

How does the enemy prevent prayer?

How does the enemy prevent prayer?

Well...mostly he doesn't. He lets us think we are going to pray. Then he brings in the 5 Big "Ds".

We talk about it. "I will pray for you." "I'm going to pray about that." 

We think about it. We have good intentions. But...good intentions are nothing if they don't manifest into an action. we do it?

"Oh, yes, I need to remember to pray about that."  Delay.

"I meant to pray about that, but somehow it slipped my mind." Distraction.

"I'm so frustrated ..what good will prayer do?" Discouragement.

"What can I do for you besides just praying?" Deception.

"I'm so depressed I can't pray." Despair.

Delay, distraction, discouragement, deception, despair. 

I fall into every one of those categories. The enemy hardly has to work at all. I  just may be easy prey.

I don't want to be prey...I want to pray. 

So here a few ways I have found to avoid being easy  prayer prey.

1. Delay: Do it now. Rather than say, "I will pray for you." Say, "May I pray for you now?"

2. Distraction: Write down your ideas for prayer. Then pray off your list. Or if you hear a voice saying, "You are too busy right now. Do it later." Agree and say, "Yes I am too busy. That's why I will do it right now."

3. Discouragement: Make a pact with yourself to pray through the frustration. Honestly express your discouragement to the Lord. And pray for someone else. This will help get your mind off your current problem. Remember, our help comes from the Lord.

4. Deception: Prayer is the most important thing we can do. That it why it is so hard to do! Prayer is the greater work as Oswald Chambers has said.

5. Despair: First thing, before getting out of bed, pray. Start by praying God's attributes so you remember who God is in the midst of your storm. He is WAY bigger than anything you or I may be facing. Trust. If you are in a really bad, depressed place, be confident- the spirit is praying on your behalf.

No matter what Big D is getting in your way, don't fall prey. Pray.

God heard them for their prayer reached heaven, his holy dwelling place. 
2 Chronicles 30:27 

When do you struggle with prayer? What do you do about it? 

With faith, hope, and love,

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