Monday, March 19, 2012

Eternal Rest

                                                             Theme for March: Rest. Rejuvenate. Recharge.

"Then you will win favor
and a good name
in the sight of God and man."
Proverbs 3:4

Mom's Musing:
               When I selected the theme for March, I never expected to be reflecting on eternal rest. My stepfather-in-law recently went home to be with the Lord. Family members are flooding into a tiny town in Virgina from Egypt, California, Colorado, Montana, Italy, and Maryland to attend the funeral.
This man we will be celebrating was a man of integrity. He kept his word, honored his wife, loved his family, served his country and church. He appreciated and savored good food! He was a big presence. His laughter filled a room, his eyes sparkled with mischievousness, he was always ready with story that captivated his audience. The line,"I wonder what Bob thinks about this," was spoken by many family members. He was respected and loved because he had love and faithfulness written on the tablet of his heart.
One of my most treasured memories was of how he would sit down, with each person: grandchildren, his own children, stepchildren, in-laws, and even step-in-laws (me) and ask about their life. He was deeply interested. He took the time to ask and cared enough to remember the details of the conversations.
I took this photo prior to finding out Bob had been ushered home. This vision was a gift from God that gave me comfort. Because Bob lived the life he did, he left his family a sense of peace. Being a man who lives right and finishes well is a blessing to those who are the survivors.
Now this special man is abiding with Jesus. I praise God for him and the blessing he was to my mother-in-law and our family.

Parenting Tip: For those of you with little ones who read this you may wonder how to describe the passage of life to death to eternity with your child. Let your young one know that very sick is different from regular sick, don't be afraid to say the words death or dead-avoid using euphemisms like sleeping. Tell the child bodies are vessels for the soul and the body left behind will be replaced by God with a new heavenly body- a body not filled with pain or disease. Talk about heaven.

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