Monday, December 9, 2013

A Dirty Gospel

Recently I heard someone describe Christianity as the Dirty Religion. I wish I could recall who so I could blame, I mean cite, him!
I'm sure a few folks reading this are wondering where I'm going with this. Well, I am going with it, so to speak!
Think about it:

1. We are dust bunnies! God created man "from the dust of the ground." (Genesis 2:7)
2.  Jesus was born in a dirty, dusty location: a cave or stable and slept in a manger (a trough!). (Luke 2:7)
3. Jesus used spit and mud to heal a blind man. (John 9:6)
4. We are clay, God is the potter. (Isaiah 64:8)

God doesn't mind getting his hands dirty when creating, shaping, or healing. In fact he digs right in. So if you are someone who thinks he needs to get all perfect and clean before meeting Jesus, you can let that go! Our Lord is comfortable with whatever mess we are in. (He knows we are all cracked pots!)

Really, what other religion can boast that their God is the King of the mud!

Like clay in the hand of the potter, so you are in my hand. 
Jeremiah 18:6

What ways do you share the good news with others? 
Faith, hope,and love,

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