And like us, He answers His children in three ways:
- Yes.
- Not yet.
- I've got something better. (In other words, no)
We like yes.
Hannah got a yes when she prayed to have a child.(1 Samuel 1:26-28)
We don't like to wait.
Waiting can look like a no.(Sometimes I think waiting is worse than, the no) So why might we get a NOT yet? Well maybe we have some work to do. We might not be ready in terms of our attitude, associations, assets ( our financial situation), location, or emotional state, etc. We may have some work to do before that request is granted Or it may be that what we have prayed for isn't ready...yet.( 2 Chronicles 7:14)
And we really don't like getting a no.
So when I pray for my hearts desires, pray in God's will and I don't get my fast food yes I can become frustrated with God. He seems to be holding back. I want to ask ,WHY? I know I most likely will not get an answer so I need to rely on what I do know. Jesus even got a no, Matthew 26:39.
- I have a GREAT God.
- I have a Good God.
- And my GREAT and Good God loves me.
Trust. I must trust in the wisdom of his no because he loves me even more that I can imagine.
And at the end of the day what I really want is God's best for me ...because it is God's best.
My Heavenly Father knows best.
Though it linger, wait for it; it will surely come and will not delay.
Habakkuk 2:3b
How do you deal with the not yets and something better answers to prayer?
With faith, hope, and love,
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