Monday, October 20, 2014

Present and Eternal Value!

The Midwest HeartCORe Parenting Conference is only a couple of weeks away! I thought you might like to know the great offerings we have for parents (married and single), grandparents, and ministry leaders. Don't miss out! If you live in the Midwest- come to Mpls! It will be the BEST $40.00 you ever spent because it has present and eternal value! 
with great faith, hope, and love,

The HeartCORe Parenting Conference
November 1, 2014   Minneapolis

Registration is open for the HeartCORe Parenting Conference in Minneapolis. Be equipped, encouraged, and refreshed as we go HeartCORe into parenting with faith, hope, and love.
The HeartCORe Parenting Conference is a special day for parents of toddlers to young adults to dig deep into what it means to parent according to the Word of God. Register today for the event! Join us on Saturday, November 1 at Christ Presbyterian Church in Edina, Minnesota.
Get into the HEART of your parenting! Worship as a community, enjoy a keynote focusing on parenting styles, then attend your choice of 12 breakout workshops specifically designed for you by the 1 Corinthians 13 Parenting Team. Six members of the 1C13P Team will be leading the conference taking you HeartCORe into parenting, single parenting, faith, marriage, relationships, and education.
The $40.00 registration fee per individual includes worship, keynote, the choice of 12 breakout sessions, panel discussion, and a box lunch from Panera. Each participant will receive a copy of Raising Little Kids with Big Love and the Study Guide OR Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love and the Study Guide. (The books retail for $17.99, study guides, $8.99.)  AND there’s a special price for your spouse, just $20.00, which covers the entire conference, lunch, and an additional Study Guide. But register early! Spaces will fill quickly and the price increases after October 28.
Here’s what is in store for you!
12 power-packed workshops
Session I    
1. Becky Danielson   24/7 Kids: A Parent’s Guide to a Kid’s Tech World  Parenting
2. Matt Haviland      A Father’s Love  Parenting (single moms) 
3. Pete Larson          Got Your Back  Marriage
4. Megan Stone        Own Your Education  Education
Session II
1. Matt Haviland       A Father’s Walk  Faith (single dads)
2. Misty Honnold     Supporting Single Moms  Relationships (single moms)
3. Megan Stone        Tools for School  Education 
4. Lori Wildenberg  Who’s the Boss?  Parenting toddlers-nine
Session III
1. Becky Danielson    Same Page Parenting  Parenting & Marriage
2. Misty Honnold      Bride & Bridegroom  Faith
3. Pete Larson            Born to Run  Faith 
4. Lori Wildenberg    Hard Places  Parenting (tweens- YA)
Workshop Descriptions (click on the presenters name for his or her bio) 
Session I
1.         24/7 Kids: A Parent’s Guide to a Kid’s Tech World          
Becky Danielson
Technology has changed our world and the way we raise our kids. How do we as parents keep up with the changes? In this workshop, we will discuss setting limits and creating boundaries for technology, including cell phones, the Internet, and social media. We will explore media tools, the effects of screen time on children, and how to intentionally unplug as a family. Led by Becky Danielson, M.Ed., co-founder of 1 Corinthians 13 Parenting. Parents of elementary to high school
2.         A Father’s Love                                                                    
Matt Haviland
Based off of Matt’s experience of growing up without a strong male role model in his own life, we will talk about the love only a father can have for his own children─ and why that is so important to be nurtured by single moms. We will also cover how our kids thrive when we are advocates for the other parent─ instead of adversaries; and how other strong Christian men can stand in the gap if Dad is not available. Most of all, we will discuss how God steps in as the perfect Father and even when it feels like we are out in the middle of an ocean of worry and despair─ He is right there all along to guide and protect. Led by Matt Haviland, founder of A Father’s Walk. Single mothers, church/ministry leaders 
3.         Got Your Back                                                                     
 Pete Larson
In the beginning, God created marriage. Well, it wasn’t the very first thing, but since it was the first human relationship to appear in scripture, God obviously considers it important. Using scripture, stories, and humor, Pete Larson of Family Fest Ministries will help us discover how we can love deeper, communicate clearer, support each other, and have more fun with the most intimate person in our lives. All ages, married
4.         Own Your Education                                                            
Megan Stone
God has given us the privilege of being a parent and raising our children. Many times we feel lost as to what is the best way to equip our children to do their best in school. When thinking about the idea of ownership, pride, and hard work we need to look no further than to our Heavenly Father for an example. He allows us to make decisions in our lives, to learn from our mistakes, take pride in our successes, and is always there to intervene when necessary. This is what we need to do with our own children. Megan Stone, M.Ed., Stone Foundations of Learning, Inc., will discuss why students lack ownership, what has been done to take ownership away, and how to begin to help children to regain ownership of their lives. Parents of elementary-age to college age children
Session II
1.         A Father’s Walk                                                                   
Matt Haviland
According to recent statistics, single parents are one of the fastest growing demographics in America. Still, they are also one of the most under-served. Working off of the book A Father’s Walk: A Christian-Based Resource for Single Fathers, we will cover some powerful areas of discussion that we single fathers face regularly, including: Loving our children’s mother in a Christ-like way, what happens when another man comes into the picture, a “spiritual workout”, discipleship, and leaving a godly legacy through it all. This is a must for any single father to attend and will make a solid impact in helping a generation of children to grow up with their fathers by equipping and serving all single dads in Christ. Led by Matt Haviland, founder of A Father’s Walk. Single fathers, church/ministry leaders
2.         Equipping the Body of Christ to Minister to Single Moms  
Misty Honnold
The Word of God makes it clear that we are to ‘visit’ the widow and fatherless. However, single mothers are often considered a ‘black hole’ of ministry. Over 80% of women who become single mothers actually leave the church. Join Misty Honnold, the Single Mom Ministry, as she unpacks the Lord’s heart to reach out, surround, and cover these women and children. She will offer practical steps to take to strengthen families so they will live out their God-given destinies. Single mothers, those in relationship w/single mothers, ministry leaders
3.         Tools for School                                                                    
Megan Stone
Many parents ask their children, “Why can’t you just do this?” The better question is “Do you have the tools to complete this job?” As adults we need to remember that we are not reliving our school experience through our children. Students of today need different tools. Helping your children own their education and life allows children to gain control, making a difference in their future. Through ownership of choices, they will be able to learn from both success and failure. But how and where do you start? Megan Stone, M.Ed., Stone Foundations of Learning, Inc., will discuss ways to equip children with tools to take ownership of their lives in order to be successful in both school and in life. Parents of elementary-age to college age children
4.         Who’s the Boss?                                                                    
Lori Wildenberg
Do you want to know how to deal with and extinguish temper tantrums, power struggles, and whining? Do you want to make time-outs effective? And in the midst of these difficulties have you discovered your fuse can be a little…short? If so, come to Who’s the Boss and learn how to effectively deal with these frustrating challenges so you can be the parent you want to be. Presented by Lori Wildenberg, co-founder of 1 Corinthians 13 Parenting. Parents of toddlers to eight-year-olds
Session III
1.         Same Page Parenting                                                           
 Becky Danielson
Do your children ever say, “Well, Dad told me I could” or “Mom said yes”? Get on the same page as your spouse and bring unity to your family, security to your children, and reduce the stress in your marriage or relationship with your child’s parent. Becky Danielson, M.Ed. cofounder of 1 Corinthians 13 Parenting, will assist you in improving communication skills, implementing discipline strategies, and encourage harmony in family life. Parents of toddlers to high school
2.         Bride & Bridegroom                                                            
 Misty Honnold
Revelation 19 tells us the “Spirit and the Bride say come”. Jesus is returning for His bride who has made herself ready. Misty Honnold, the Single Mom Ministry, will help define challenging scripture and explain why it is vital for parents to understand the love of the Bridegroom and pursue an intimate relationship with Jesus that is defined as Bride and Bridegroom. She is passionate about seeing a generation come forth that walks in the understanding of true partnership with the King of Glory. All
3.         Born To Run                                                                          
 Pete Larson
In the busyness of life, do you ever wonder if you are living the life that God has called you to? Between all of the demands on your time with family, friends, church, sports, and activities are you really living fully alive? Using stories, scripture, and humor, Pete Larson of Family Fest Ministries will share some ideas about letting go of the things that get in the way of our walk with God and what we can do to better live out God’s plan for our lives. Parents of toddlers to teenagers
4.         Hard Places                                                                            
Lori Wildenberg
Have you trained up your tween, teen, or young person in the way he should go and he has veered off the path? Are you experiencing big sighs and rolling eyes… and maybe more? Come to Hard Places and learn how to put respect back into the family, recognize signs of potential trouble, what to do about it, and discover how to pray powerful prayers for your child. Led by Lori Wildenberg, mom of 4 former teens and co-founder of 1 Corinthians 13 Parenting. Parents of tweens, teens, and young adults

Join 1C13P Team Members
Lori, Becky, Pete, Misty, Megan, and Matt
for a day of HeartCORe parenting.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I would LOVE to be there!! This conference will be AMAZING!!
