Monday, July 11, 2011

Bring It

Theme: July Uniqueness
"And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered." Matthew 10:30
Mom's Musing:
    At a marriage and family conference (Association for Marriage and Families Ministry -AMFM) I recently learned most people marry someone who complements them (not compliments!). We often marry our opposite. Introverts typically marry extroverts. This has the potential to cause friction but it has a greater ability to bring balance. Once an appreciation for the other's personality has been developed, each one can more readily accept and learn from the other. When Tom and I realized he's extroverted and I'm introverted many potential conflicts were prevented. We've found it helpful to identify the extrovert/introvert characteristic in our kids too. Two of our kids need more space and alone time than the other two. When driving one child home after school, she'd describe her day-start to finish. As opposed to her sister who would enter the car and be quiet, decompressing from the day.
Parenting Tip: Begin to notice how your family members are wired. Is time alone needed to re-energize or does being with people bring vigor? Adjust expectations accordingly.

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