Monday, October 14, 2013

A Real Parent's Question

Here and there I share a real parent's question regarding parenting. 
Today is one of those days....
Here's the question from a mom:

What can I do about my toddler's  BIG LOUD voice? 
My recommendation:

I find the best way to go is a hand signal combined with words. Take your hand, palm down, and lower it. While you do this softly say, "Quiet voice" or "Indoor voice."

Then don't respond to the child until she complies. You may want to continue to use the signal and the words, "Quiet voice."

Throughout the day say, "We use our indoor voice inside" for continued training.

When she does use her quiet voice respond immediately and reinforce it by saying," I love listening to your indoor voice." Or "Your inside voice is a respectful voice. Thanks for using it." 

Affirm ANY improvement or effort you notice. 

Reduce the total noise level in your home by turning down the volume on the TV, radio, and CDs. Keep the adult voice level down as well. Rather than shouting out a directive...move to your child, bend over, get eye contact, then speak with the type of voice you would like your child to use.

After awhile you should be able to use your hand signal as a reminder to drop a decibel or two. 

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
Proverbs 16:24

What ideas could you share about maintaining a quieter home?

If you have a real parent question about kids, click here to email me. 

Contact Lori Wildenberg for your next event.

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