Monday, February 27, 2012

Love Notes

Theme for February: Love!
"Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart."
 Proverbs 3:3
Mom's Musing:
     are           MOM
This is written on a note card, colorfully decorated, and prominently displayed on my refrigerator. My middle daughter made it for me a number of years ago. It still hangs on my fridge. I love to look at it. The child-like printing reminds me of treasured days gone by. The sentiment still gives me joy. Her handwriting is different now- her own style- a combination of flowing cursive and manuscript.
I've saved many of my kids love notes over the years. They have saved some of mine. Why is it that a handwritten message is so intimate or personal? For some reason it has an element of importance.

Parenting Tip: Take time today to write a love note to your child. It will be a gift now and in years to come. Who knows it may even make the Refrigerator Hall of Fame.

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